Submental Fullness

Many adults experience submental fullness, commonly known as a double chin, which can be attributed to several factors, including genetics, ageing, and changes in weight. Each of these factors can influence the appearance of a double chin in different ways:

  • Ageing: Changes in muscle tone and skin elasticity can contribute to a more pronounced appearance of submental fullness.
  • Genetics: Some individuals may naturally have a predisposition to accumulate fat beneath the chin, which could become more noticeable with age.
  • Weight Changes: Variations in body weight might affect the degree of fullness under the chin.

Consultations for Submental Fullness in Perth

We offer consultations in Perth for individuals who are looking to address concerns related to submental fullness. During the consultation, we will assess your specific situation and discuss potential options. Please note, in cases of significant loose skin, alternative approaches might be more appropriate.

Book a Consultation

To find out if we can help you, the first step is to book a consultation with our cosmetic nurse. During the consultation, your individual needs will be assessed and potential treatment options discussed. It is important to understand that not all consultations will result in the provision of treatment.

At Assure Cosmetic Centre, you’re in the care of a highly skilled medical team. Through your journey with us you will feel informed and comfortable and able to make the decision that is best for you.