What does Perth fractional laser rejuvenation feel like?

Most patients describe a prickling feeling and an increased sensation of heat during the treatment. For patient comfort, topical anaesthetic ointment will be applied to your skin for 30 minutes before the treatment.

  • For the Clear + Brilliant Original treatment – this is a deeper wavelength treatment. Afterwards, you may have mild redness or swelling, which typically subsides within a few hours.
  • For the Clear + Brilliant Perméa treatment – this is a more superficial treatment. A topical skincare product, such as an antioxidant serum (e.g. Obagi Professional-C™ serums), will be applied to each treatment area after the treatment is administered. This combination approach decreases post-treatment skin responses such as redness and swelling.

Category: Fractional Laser Rejuvenation

← What does Perth fractional laser rejuvenation feel like?