Do you provide liposuction for lymphoedema or lipoedema?

Lymphoedema is a chronic condition resulting from impaired lymphatic system function, causing the build-up of fluid in the affected body parts, leading to swelling and discomfort. The primary treatment for lymphoedema involves a combination of complex decongestive therapy, which includes manual lymphatic drainage, compression therapy, exercise, and skin care. This is generally performed by a Lymphoedema Therapist or Lymphologist.

Lipoedema is a medical condition characterised by the abnormal accumulation of fat cells, primarily in the lower extremities, hips, and buttocks, leading to a disproportionate appearance. Conservative management options, such as compression garments, exercise, and proper nutrition, are typically recommended as the first line of treatment. In certain cases, liposuction with a Specialist Plastic Surgeon may be considered as a surgical option when conservative treatments have not yielded significant improvements or in advanced stages of the condition. The aim of liposuction for lipoedema is to reduce the excess fat and improve your quality of life. Various types of liposuction can be used effectively to reduce the excess fat however, we recommend water-assisted liposuction (WAL) as this technique appears to be more gentle to the lymphatics than other forms of liposuction and may therefore reduce the chance of recurrence and progression of the condition over time.

Making a diagnosis of lipoedema is very difficult and is usually based on history and clinical findings. Decisions regarding treatment should be made after thorough evaluation and discussion with your GP to determine the most appropriate approach based on the your specific condition and medical history. Your GP may refer you for radiology tests to assist with your diagnosis. You may also wish to see a Lymphoedema Therapist, as they can provide valuable information for making the diagnosis.

Once you have been given the diagnosis of lipoedema, your GP can provide you with a referral to our practice.

If your BMI is under 30, then diagnosing lipoedema is easier. If your BMI is over 30, making a diagnosis is still possible, but becomes more difficult. If your BMI is over 35, it is almost impossible to make an accurate diagnosis of lipoedema. In our practice, your BMI would need to be under 35 to be offered surgery for this condition.

Please be aware that currently this procedure does not attract any rebates from Medicare or private health insurance for either the consultation or surgery, as liposuction is deemed a cosmetic procedure.

Category: Liposuction

← Do you provide liposuction for lymphoedema or lipoedema?