When can I resume normal activities after Perth necklift surgery?

Depending on the extent of your procedure, it may be necessary to take a few weeks off work to allow for proper rest. It is recommended to refrain from engaging in heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, swimming, and intense sports for approximately 6 weeks following the procedure or until your surgeon advises otherwise.

After 7-10 days, it is acceptable to apply regular makeup, but it is crucial to protect your skin from the sun. It is essential to follow appropriate sun protection measures to safeguard the health of your skin.

Some bruising and swelling are normal and may take a few weeks to resolve. Sleeping with your head elevated can help reduce swelling. It is typical to experience a feeling of tightness and numbness in the face and neck area, which may persist for several months. Your surgeon may recommend wearing post-surgical compression garments to assist in reducing swelling and promoting the healing process.

It’s essential to highlight that each patient’s recovery process requires sufficient time, support, and proper postoperative care. Healing abilities and pain tolerance may vary among individuals, resulting in differences in recovery duration and the ability to engage in various activities.

Category: Necklift

← When can I resume normal activities after Perth necklift surgery?