Wrinkle Relaxers

Facial lines and wrinkles develop when the supporting collagen and elastin fibres in our skin breakdown with time. Sun exposure, smoking and even facial expressions also contribute to the formation of wrinkles.

As we age, those lines can become more pronounced. For women, whose faces tend to be more animated than men’s and whose skin is typically more delicate, lines may appear exaggerated and more permanent.

The good news is that cosmetic injections can help reduce and even prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Wrinkle Injections in Perth

A wrinkle relaxer is a purified protein injected with a small needle into the muscles that cause lines and wrinkles to form on the face and neck. Dynamic lines are caused by facial expression such as smiling or frowning. Over a period of time, as we age, these lines can develop into static lines, becoming visible even when we are not moving the muscles.

When correctly administered, wrinkle injections can create a smooth, rejuvenated and more youthful appearance.

In Perth, anti-wrinkle injections are used to:

  • Reduce frown lines between the eyebrows
  • Reduce horizontal lines on the forehead
  • Reduce crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Treat excessive sweating

The effect of wrinkle relaxants is long lasting, but not permanent. The treatment is perfect for today’s busy lifestyles, as it is quick and there is minimal or no downtime.

Book a Consultation

To find out if Perth wrinkle relaxers can help you, the first step is to book a consultation with our cosmetic nurse.

At Assure Cosmetic Centre, you’re in the care of a highly skilled medical team. Through your journey with us you will feel informed and comfortable and able to make the decision that is best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wrinkle Relaxers

Perth wrinkle relaxers are used to visibly smooth and soften mild to severe frown, forehead and smile lines. The treatment can produce remarkable improvements in facial appearance without the downtime, scars or costs associated with surgical procedures.

A wrinkle injection treatment takes around 10 minutes and you can resume normal activities immediately. The results take up to 10 days to take full effect, but may be noticeable after a few days. Results are temporary and can last up to 4 months.

Wrinkle relaxant treatments are effective for both men and women. The treatment is not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers.

To find out if wrinkle relaxers can help you, book a consultation with our cosmetic nurse.

Perth wrinkle injections treat dynamic wrinkles caused by repeated muscle contractions. A blocking agent is administered through a few tiny injections directly into the muscle, which blocks nerve impulses that trigger wrinkle-causing muscle contractions.

Wrinkle relaxers aim to reduce dynamic wrinkles, which are lines created by muscle movement with facial expressions.

Wrinkle injections for preventative purposes are becoming increasingly popular, with many women in their late 20s and 30s opting to have regular treatment to help delay the ageing process.

Wrinkle relaxant injections are performed with a small needle, injecting a small amount of fluid. Pain is minimal and brief, with usually no anaesthetic required. Ice can be applied immediately prior to treatment to help reduce discomfort and help to prevent bruising.

For optimum and safe results, it is important that wrinkle relaxers are administered by a fully-trained cosmetic professional. At Assure Cosmetic Centre, all injectable treatments are conducted by our highly experienced cosmetic nurses under the supervision of our team of Specialist Plastic Surgeons.

The most common side effect of wrinkle relaxants is tenderness and occasional bruising at the site of injection. There is a very small risk (1-2%) of a temporary weakness in nearby muscles, such as drooping of an eyelid or eyebrow, although this is rarely seen.

There are no documented long-term or permanent side effects of wrinkle relaxers.

Wrinkle relaxant treatment is usually recommended every 3-4 months. Our cosmetic nurse can recommend a treatment plan suited to your individual needs.

A good starting point is to book a consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic nurses at Assure Cosmetic Centre. You will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and ask questions. You will be provided with detailed information regarding how this treatment can help you, the expected outcomes, and the costs involved. Click here to make an appointment.